Our Vision & Mission Statements

Our Vision statement:

"To provide a naturally organic, comfortable, durable, hypo-allergenic, chemical free, vegan, value for money bedding system".

Our Mission statement:

“Sustainable job creation, bringing affordable natural bedding solutions to everyday Australian's”.   

Our intent is to make available in Australia an affordable, sustainable, chemical & toxin free, natural fiber bedding system that supports low impact, capacity building industry for villagers throughout the Indonesian archipelago.
Wild harvested every year from the fallen seed pods of a majestic rainforest tree Ceiba pentandra, there are no chemicals used in the growing, preparation or importation or making of our naturally organic Kapok fiber and products.
We practice product stewardship - cradle to compost,
endeavour to tread lightly and watch what we leave behind.

Ph: 0482 771027 - please leave a message if I am unavailable to answer.

email me;  hello@goldilocksnaturalbedding.com.au 

Goldilocks is making a move to Bingara NSW in September 2022 where we will establish ourselves and in time open a shop presence in town.