Bringing affordable chemical free sustainable vegan bedding to Australians — supportive
Ultimate Pillow Comparison-KapoK vs buckwheat latex wool bamboo holofil microfiber dacron

FB 3/9/20 posted the big one. Hopefully at the bottom of homepage here soon. This is on our page on Facebook and also on You Tube…Kath comparison #pillow#compare#comparison#kapok#buckwheat#latex#wool#microfiber#holofil#dacron#BSBamboo Here it is, the ultimate in pillow comparisons. We took new pillows and asked Kath to test run them...albiet at the table but nonetheless this video, although a bit long, does cover all the pros and cons of these types of pillows that we investigated....We did not review feather down because I could not come at purchasing plucked ducks!.
Flammability test on KapoK
Flammability test on a ball of KapoK. At bottom of home page or go to FB or Insta. Goldilocks Natural uses KapoK fiber in its pillows, mattresses and doonas and there are no flame retardants or any other chemicals used at any stage along the production line. Some client have concerns about fire and or flames so we did a demonstration to show you the low flammability of KapoK under certain conditions. We make artisan pillows and doonas here in Australia using organic chemical free fabric shells filled with our luscious Kapok fiber. Mattresses are made in Indonesia by...
Winter is coming
Hello Goldilockers, I have noticed that with our weak southern winter sun my pillows are looking decidedly limp. Even with the cloudy days and blessed rain the few patches of sunlight are not doing the same job as a belting hot summers day. I guess this is one of the reasons that KapoK is so commonly used as bedding material around the equatorial belt of our amazing planet. Where something grows naturally is often the place where it functions or gives forth its best qualities. Do not despair, come spring and summer, our pillows and mattresses will spring to life...
Did you know #1 in a series about KAPOK